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Project reference: EU 618930-EP-1-2020-1- EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Implementation period: 15/01/2021- 14/01/2024
Project Coordinator Technical University of Crete, Greece
Program: Erasmus+
Key action: Collaboration for innovation and exchange of best practices
Type of action: Capacity building in higher education
Project type: joint
Financing amount: 914.603 EURO
Erasmus+ 618930-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Reinforcing capacities of HEIs for leather and leather products in Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan” REILEAP
Description of the project:
The project is aimed at creating equipped and functional centres for the leather production and the design of leather products (two in Uzbekistan and two in Kazakhstan). The centres with trained staff will provide new services for companies of leather and leather products production. The services offered will include an assessment of leather quality and leather products, design training, seminars, information events.
The goal of the project is to modernize the leather industry in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan by creating leather products centres and training centres for teaching new methods of leather products design.
Project objectives:
• Develop a capacity-building program to enable partners from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan based on the EU experience;
• Configure and install equipment for the centres of leather sectors professional development in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan based on the EU experience;
• To ensure the sustainability of the project by creating a platform for joint work of educational centres and business companies.
Universities from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan will receive capacity building: teaching materials, equipment, and etc. necessary to update the training content in the leather and footwear field. EU institutions and associations related to the leather industry will support this capacity building process.
The institutes have more scientific knowledge about leather, so can be expected to contribute to providing knowledge of the state and characteristics of the leather production and industrial processes in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, while the association will provide links to local businesses and the leather sector in general.
EU partners will provide know-how and experience in leather production and leather products, as well as their experience in new equipment creation and operation.
The budget for all partners includes staff costs, travel/stay costs and subcontracting costs. There is also an equipment budget for universities in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
Title: Research and State of the Art
DEL 1.1 Methodology Pack
DEL 1.2 National Research reports
DEL 1.3 EU Best practices database
DEL 1.3 EU Best practices database
DEL 1.4 Cross-country research report
Title: Training Human Resources and capacity building
DEL 2.1 Capacity Building programme
DEL 2.2 Training Curricula
DEL 2.3 Training Seminars
Title: Connecting HEIs with Leather Industries
DEL 3.1 Equipping the leather centres
DEL 3.2 Leather centres services
DEL 3.3 Pilot test reports
DEL 3.4 Activities brochures
DEL 3.5 Collaboration platform
DEL 3.6 Networking Activities
WP4 Quality Plan
Title: Quality Assurance and Evaluation
DEL 4.1 Quality and evaluation Plan
DEL 4.2 Selection of External Auditor
DEL 4.3 External Auditor evaluation Reports
DEL 4.4 Quality and evaluation Reports
WP5 Dissemination and Exploitation
Title: Dissemination, Awareness Raising and Exploitation
DEL 5.1 Dissemination and Communication Plan
DEL 5.2 Dissemination material
DEL 5.3 Project FB and other social media
DEL 5.4 Data base for contacts & Mailing
DEL 5.5 Project website
DEL 5.6 Newsletters
DEL 5.7 Exploitation and Sustainability Plan
DEL 5.8 Awareness Campaign
WP6 Project Management
Title: Project Management
DEL 6.1 Management Plan
DEL 6.2 Project Reports
DEL 6.3 Meetings
Project website:
Additional useful links
1. – European Executive Agency for Education and Culture
2. – National Office of the Erasmus+ program in Kazakhstan
1. Technical University of Crete (TUC) – Greece
2. Politecnico Calzaturiero Scarl (POLICALZ) – Italy
3. Universitatea Tehnica “Gheorghe Asachi” din Iasi (TUIASI) – Romania
4. Creative Thinking Development (CRE.THI.DEV) – Greece
5. EGE University (EGE) – Turkey
1. Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (TITLI) – Uzbekistan
2. Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute (JizPI) – Uzbekistan
3. Center of Women Inventors of Uzbekistan (CWIU) – Uzbekistan
M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University (TarSU) – Kazakhstan
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University (MSKU) – Kasakhstan
№ |
Name |
Role in the project |
1 |
Iskakova Aigul Toleutaevna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Internationalization Тел: +7 701 724 21 82 e-mail: |
INSTITUTIONAL PROJECT COORDINATOR – general project management at M. Auezov SKU – responsible for the organization of an effective and operational communication process between the project participants, the working group – joint preparation of a partnership agreement – creation of a working group involved in the project, participants of trainings, seminars, webinars, round tables, conferences, business brunches, etc. for the organization of all project events. – general consulting and dissemination on all issues related to the project – holding periodic meetings (meetings and meetings of the project working group / consortium) to analyze the progress of the project |
2 |
Eldiyar Gulzinat Kairbekkyzy PhD, Senior lecturer of the Department «Technology and Design of light industry products» Тел: +7 771 886 4130 e-mail: |
PROJECT MANAGER – the person responsible for the implementation of the project and the achievement of the set goals: – joint preparation of a partnership agreement – – creation of an Expert group of the project for the purpose of external expert support of the project implementation – holding periodic meetings to analyze the progress of the project – internal quality control – preparation of internal and external reports – general control over the payment of funds to project participants – holding periodic meetings (installation meetings and project consortium meetings) to analyze the progress of the project – participation in the creation and development of a Quality Strategy, Sustainability Strategy, Distribution Strategies, Management Plan, communication Plan, coordination of the implementation of Work Packages (WP) – participation in the creation and development of a Quality Strategy, Sustainability Strategy, Distribution Strategies, Management Plan, communication Plan, coordination and implementation of Work Packages (WP) – preparation of internal and assistance in the preparation of internal and external reports – implementation of the distribution of budget funds to the project participants, in accordance with the principle of distribution of grant funds of the Erasmus+ program project – participation in the commission for the selection of equipment suppliers, according to commercial proposals submitted by partners; – coordination and control over the provision of information for the general project site, the project platform and the project site page at M.Auezov SKU – participation in project management meetings – accounting and control of labor costs of project participants in the process of its implementation – work on the preparation of quarterly reports within the framework of the project – creation, development and control of the project progress, planning and revision of plans, etc. |
3 |
Kaldybaev Rashid Turdubaevich Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department «Technology and Design of Light Industry products» Тел:+7 705 664 4337 e-mail: |
RESPONSIBLE PERSON – for sustainable development and communication between organizations that support the main objectives of the REILEAP project: – organization of the meeting; – participation in the creation and signing of contracts; – conducting negotiations; – selection of the main objectives and equipment for the educational institution, determination of the demand of stakeholders and conclusion of favorable conditions |
4 |
Kaldybayeva Gulbuston Yusupzhanovna Lecturer of the Department «Technology and design of light industry products» Тел: +7 771 144 7202 e-mail: |
RESPONSIBLE PERSON – responsible for the impact of the REILEAP project at the institutional, regional and national levels: – organization of the meeting; – participation in the creation and signing of contracts; – conducting negotiations; – selection of the main objectives and equipment for the educational institution, determination of the demand of stakeholders and conclusion of favorable conditions |
5 |
Kalymbetov Gani Eskermesovich PhD-student е-mail:, тел: +7 705 844 45 19 |
RESPONSIBLE PERSON – for the distribution and recognition of the REILEAP project: – dissemination of materials and information on the implementation of the project – filling and formation of the project materials directory – creation, updating of information on the page of the project site in the SKU – preparation of documents and materials for the general website of the REILEAP project – registration of handouts, publications, according to the requirements of the ERASMUS+ program |
6 |
Konysbekov Sagyndyk Mukhanovich PhD-student Тел: +7 747 565 5608 e-mail: |
THE RESPONSIBLE PERSON is the administrative staff of the REILEAP project: – responsible for the overall organization of the project at M. Auezov SKSU – responsible for organizing an effective and operational communication process between the project participants, the working group -creation of a working group involved in the project, participants of trainings, seminars, webinars, round tables, conferences, business brunches, etc. for the organization of all project events. – participation in a general meeting on all issues related to the project |
EU Partners and Associations from partner countries will oversee supporting the four local universities in setting up the REILEAP centres services.
Information about new fashion trends, training in innovative and environmental friendlier manufacturing techniques, use of proper chemicals, innovative ways of organization of production, certification of products, ways to lower production costs and increase of productivity, development of quality products, information about investment and funding opportunities are all innovative services that will be offered to Uzbek and Kazakh leather and leather products sector through the establishment of the REILEAP centres.
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