The strategic direction of the University to fulfill its mission is to further integrate into the world scientific and educational system, create joint double degree programs with leading foreign universities, attract prominent foreign scientists to the educational and scientific process, increase the academic mobility of students and teaching staff.
Academic mobility is important for personal development, it fosters respect for diversity and enables cultural enrichment. Within the framework of the program of academic mobility, South Kazakhstan State University gives its students the opportunity to study at a foreign partner university.
In 2020, SKSU named after M. Auezov and ETS Global entered into a global agreement on ETS preferred associates to open a Regional Center on the basis of SKSU named after M. Auezov to pass international tests to determine the level of language proficiency, having received the right to conduct ETS Global tests in Kazakhstan.
According to paragraph 9 of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 21, 2012 No. 148: Receiving persons inform the Internal Affairs bodies about immigrants staying with them within three working days from the date of their arrival. Foreign student of M. Auezov SKU should be put on migration registration within three days after arrival in Kazakhstan. To renew the registration, a foreign student must apply to the international Department 3 days before the registration deadline. Foreign student should extension registration and education visa 25 days before it ending to the International cooperation center of Auezov university. In case of change of the actual residence in Shymkent, the foreign citizen is obliged to notify in due time employees of ICC of SKU with providing supporting documents (residential lease contract, booking confirmation in hotel or any other supporting document on change of the residence) within 3 days after change of the residence. After re-entry to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan the foreign citizen has to address to the ICC of SKSU within 3 days from the date of arrival for migration registration and bring the valid document proving his identity. After graduation, expulsion or after the termination of the labor contract the foreign citizen is obliged to leave the Republic of Kazakhstan in the time established by the university (ICC of SKU). In need of trip abroad during education process or work, changing place of living citizens are obliged to take statement and copy of the identity card in due time for registration to ICC of SKSU of permission to a trip. In case of change by the foreign citizen of personal data and obtaining the new national passport and other, the foreign citizen is obliged to notify in due time the ICC of SKU with providing supporting documents after entrance on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If the period of validity of foreign citizen’s national passport expires, he\she is obliged to prolong or replace it and to provide copies of passports in the ICC of SKU. The foreign citizen arriving to M. Auezov SKU is obliged to follow rules of conduct and dormitory and also the internal regulations of the university, conditions and requirements which are contained in them.
If the foreign citizen allows violation of the rules of stay in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the employee of internal affairs bodies executes the protocol on administrative offense with detailed statement of character and circumstances of violation. In case of violation of the above rules or loss of a migration card foreign citizens can be incurred administrative liability, with payment of penalties, up to an exclusion from the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the subsequent expulsion from the University. Also, teachers, staff and students of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University must act within the norms and ethics of the approved Code of Corporate Ethics – internal Regulations of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, adopted at the University in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 43 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 “On Education”.
SKSU named after M. Auezova annually establishes and maintains contacts on improving partnerships with organizations of education and science